Kenwood TS-930S


Kenwood TS-930S is a superlative, high performance, all solid-state, HF transceiver capable of operation in SSB, CW, FSK and AM modes. Coverage includes the WARC bands. The all solid-state 28 volt final amplifier runs 250 watts PEP input on USB, LSB, CW and FSK and 80 watts on AM mode. Despite a multitued of features, the controls are very ergonomic and easy to use. Operates from 120 VAC.
Kenwood AT-930 internal automatic antenna tuner for the TS-930S covers the HF ham bands from 80 through 10 meters (3.5-29.7 MHz). Input impedance is 50 ohms. Output impedance is 20 to 150 ohms unbalanced. Maximum input power is 150 watts. Motor stop SWR is less than 1.2.
Kenwood TS-930SAT version has the AT-930 factory installed.

• 160-10 meters
• IF Notch
• CW Reverse
• Automatic Tuner (in TS-930SAT version)
• SSB Slope Tuning
• Dual Noise Blankers
• Variable AGC
• 8 Memory Channels

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